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Kolo Srpskih Sestara: Cookbook - Kuvar
Слава Кола српских сестара 2024.

Spring Craft Show - March 9, 2024
Easter Bake Sale
Слава Кола 2024

Ethnic Evening - Етно вече 2024.
Ово су неки од наших етно специјалитета које можете да очекујете на нашој трпези у суботу, 10. фебруара 2024. Добродошли!
Our 4th Ethnic Evening is approaching. This Saturday, February 10, 2024, you can expect a variety of our ethnic food specialties including: wedding sauerkraut, goulash, paprikash, beans with smoked ribs and bacon, cabbage rolls, sauerkraut, strudels (cheese, spinach, meat, potatoes, zucchini, apple), stew, octopus salad, roasted pig, smoked meat, cod with potatoes, chicken and potatoes, homemade cheese/yogurt, various cookies, strudel, baklava, halva, koh, tulumbe, hurmasice and many more…..

Слава Кола српских сестара 2023.

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Слава КСС 2023.

Поздрав председнице КСС Славице Ђошановић Приђите...

За више фотографија, посетите Слава КСС 2023.

Годишња скупштина нашег КСС је заказана за 5. новембар 2023. године

Отац Милан уручио помоћ нашој браћи и сестрама на Косову

Организација Мајка девет Југовића о посети о Миана


Наш прота Милан, протиница Јелена и њихова ћерка Јулија су урчили помоћ  прикупњену од пролећне продаје колача као и остале донације Хуманитарној организацији Мајка девет Југовића при епархији рашко-призренској. Овај поклон је део наше Хуманитане акције Договине у Призрену у оквиру које два пута годишње за Божић и Видовдан уручујемо помоћ чуварима нашег огњишта.


Наше Коло се уписало на списак приложника Треће фазе фрескописања обезбедивжи средства за фреску Тајна вечера.

Слава Богу!


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“He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.
They were glad when it grew calm, and He guided them to their desired haven.”

- Psalm 107: 29 - 30
So reads the front of an informational brochure given to the five of us who toured Haven of Rest Service Center in Akron Ohio.

On January 16, 2023, on behalf of Saint Archangel Michael parish, Proto Milan, Protonitsa Jelena, and Slavica Djosanovic prepared a delicious meal for 110 people. These meals were delivered to the Haven with the help of Richard and Anita Ondreyka. What an unforgettable and amazing experience to tour the Haven - a Christ-centered, life-changing facility. At about 10:30 a.m. on January 16, Father Milan rang the service bell for the food dock. The large delivery door opened and a smiling man went to get help when he saw five visitors. Two faithful men took the meals and led us to the reception area. The area was spacious, clean and inviting. The well-lit lobby had large, clean chairs and sofas. The friendly receptionist paged Michael Solosky, Development Officer Donor/Donations. He greeted us and handed out  informational packets which explained the workings of the Haven of Rest Ministries in detail.The tour began with a clothing delivery. We watched the clothes being received, weighed, cataloged, and stored. The two women who made the donation on behalf of their church joined the tour.
The group toured the dormitories, laundry, shower, education and recreation areas. We learned how the Haven relies on the good will of others to function. The Haven does not receive government subsidies to operate. Everywhere the group went was neat, pristine and organized.Workers were busy, cleaning, mopping, doing laundry and working in the kitchen. Michael explained how most of the people who currently stay at the Haven are working. The goal of the Haven is to help residents get to a place of stability and independence. The residents will return for the evening meal and stay the night.
The Haven gives help to all, free of charge. Noone is turned away, except for convicted sex offenders and those banned from the Haven with a history of violence at the Haven.
The Haven takes great care to separate men from women. Their housing and meals are independent of each other. Homeless families are cared for but the men are required to sleep in the dormitory.
All of the staff are Christians. There are no religious requirements for those cared for by the Haven, yet they must adhere to Christian principles. They are strongly encouraged to attend chapel services before meals and are given a chance to change the direction of their lives through a healthy dose of Christ’s love. Free of charge, people receive food, clothing, education, housing, job-readiness training and a host of other social and economic supports.
At the conclusion of the two- hour tour, our group enjoyed a meal together. A heart-warming moment happened when Michael asked Father Milan if he wanted to bless the food after we heard the people in the dining room pray together. Father graciously said, “God heard the prayer.”
Needless to say, the group was humbled to learn how the Haven functions. The Haven’s multi-million dollar budget relies on donations and volunteers. Many volunteers know what the Haven once did for them.
May God grant them many Blessed years.

Anita Ondreyka

On Saturday, November 12, 2022, the Federation of the Circles of Serbian Sisters (FCSS) of the Eastern American Diocese held its semi-annual meeting at the Community Center of the Holy Archangel Michael Church in Akron, Ohio.
On this important day, our Serbian Orthodox Church commemorates several of its own saints, namely, the Holy King Milutin of Serbia, the Venerable Theoctist (former King Dragutin of Serbia) and Elizabeth (former Helen of Anjou, Queen of Serbia), as well as the Holy Confessor Varnava of Hvosno (first American-born Serbian Bishop, born in Gary, Indiana).
The well-attended meeting was chaired by Millie Radovick, President of the FCSS, and generously hosted by the St. Petka Circle of Serbian Sisters of the Holy Archangel Michael Church in Akron, Ohio. One of the key discussion points was its very successful 2022 St. Sava Camp Season at our Most Holy Mother of God Monastery Estate in Shadeland, Pennsylvania. The operation of the camp is truly the annual flagship project of the Federation.
That which made this season particularly outstanding was this summer camp was the first, following a COVID 19 induced two-year hiatus. There were a good number of campers of all ages, well-versed counselors, parents who eagerly assisted in every aspect of camp life, a diligent group of fathers from Windsor, Ontario, who lent a strong hand to fix many issues, which arose from the closure of the past two years. As ever, the Federation, together with the Shadeland Management Committee, oversaw all the needs and operation of the Camp. Special attention was paid to giving as much outdoor time as possible and extra hygienic measures were introduced to keep our campers as safe as possible. Thank God, no one contracted Covid!
The crowning of the camp season was the celebration of the Patron Saint of the Shadeland Estate, the Venerable Mother Angelina of Serbia. The day began with a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, to which the campers rendered the responses with their angelic voices. Everyone would agree that this year, more so than ever, the children radiated with exuberance as they performed the end of the camp season program for their wholly captivated audience, delighting every joyously tearful eye with tambura playing, singing, and dancing. To facilitate the participation of more persons, it was suggested that buses could be organized from the neighboring deaneries.
In addition to the regular meeting agenda, Bishop Irinej offered several suggestions for the forthcoming 2023 Anniversary Year which, among all else, marks the 150th Anniversary of the repose of the great Serbian artist and philanthropist, Nadezda Petrovic. She was an instrumental co-founder of the Kolo Srpskih Sestara, on the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos, August 28, 1903, in Belgrade. Thus, this year also marks the 120th Anniversary of the Founding of the Circle of Serbian Sisters.
In like manner, the Bishop addressed the need to have more inclusive participation from all five of our Deaneries, by considering the appointing of liaisons to each Deanery from the local CSS, who would report directly to the Federation and coordinate local endeavors through their respective Episcopal Dean.
His Grace also noted, in anticipation, the launching of a Building Fund Campaign for a new monastic facility at the Holy Archangel Gabriel – New Marcha Monastery in Richfield, Ohio.
Following the business portion of the meeting, Protopresbyter Milan Pajic, Parish Priest, provided the Sisters with a tour of the magnificent frescoes, which are now being written on the interior of parish church. Bishop Irinej provided a brief lesson the theology of color and line, and architecture, as it related to the central icon of the Theotokos More Spacious than the Heavens.
The well spent day concluded with a sumptuous festal meal offered by the host Kolo in a tastefully appointed dining area of the Holy Archangel Michael Community Center.

 Photo Album - Federation of Circles of Serbian Sisters Semi-Annual Meeting

Congratulations to our Kolo Sisters celebrating their Slava - St. Mother Paraskeva, on Sunday October 30. After Divine Liturgy, Ft. Milan blessed Slava bread and koljivo and festive lunch was served. Honored kuma for this year was Anita Ondreyka who gave a piece of Kolach to next year kuma Mira Ivanis.
Fr. Milan, president of Kolo Slavica Djosanovic, President of the Church Board, Drazenko Djosanovic, welcomed guests, thanked sisters for their contributions, in the year that was full of events, and invited all of the ladies to join Kolo, to the glory of the God, and for their salvation.
У недељу, 30. октобра 2022, наше Коло Српских Сестара прославило је своју Славу, Свету Петку. Након Свете Литургије, о. Милан је освештао колач и жито и служена је трпеза љубави. Овогодишња кума Анита Ондрејка је дала део колача куми за следећу годину, Мири Иваниш.
Отац Милан, председница КСС, Славица Ђошановић и председник Црквеног одброра, Драженко Ђошановић, су пожелели добродошлицу гостима, нашим парохијанима и гостима из сусединих парохија, захвалији сестрама на њиховом труду и залагању, нарочито у овој години која је била богата дешавањима, и позвали све жене да учествују у активностима Кола, у сваву Бога и за спасење душе и тела.



Congratulations to our Kolo Sisters celebrating their Slava - St. Mother Paraskeva, on Sunday October 24. After Divine Liturgy, Ft. Milan blessed Slava bread and koljivo and festive lunch was served. Honored kuma for this year was Dukic Milena who gave a piece of Kolach to next year kuma Anita Ondreyka.

President of the Church Board, Aleksandar Mijatovic, president of Kolo Slavica Djosanovic and our Fr. Milan welcomed guests, thanked sisters for their contributions, reminded us about life of Kolo protector, Saint Mother Paraskeva and invited all of the ladies to join Kolo, to the glory of the God, and for their salvation.

Јуче је наше Коло Српских Сестара прославило своју Славу, Свету Петку. Након Свете Литургије, о. Милан је освештао колач и жито и служена је трпеза љубави. Овогодишња кума Милена Шапоња је дала део колача куми за следећу годину, Анити Ондрејка.
Председник Црквеног одброра, Александар Мијатовић, председница Кола сестара, Славица Ђошановић и отац Милан су пожелели добродошлицу гостима, захвалији сестрама на њиховом труду и залагању, причали о животу заштитнице Кола, Свете Мати Параскеве и позвали све жене да учествују у активностима Кола, у сваву Бога и за своје спасење.

Светлописао Драган Веселинов Фото албум - Слава КСС 2021 - Photo Album

Kolo Srpskih Sestara Board Members elected February 23, 2022

Slavica Đošanović - President

Biljana Kulina - Vice President

Snježana Klepić - Vice President

 Jelena Sladaković - Secretary

Dragica Ninkovic - Treasurer

Members at Large

Slavica Jovičić

E-mail - kss.sv.petka.akron@gmail.com

Vanja Đurić

Photo Album - Фото албум

  • 15


    2 March
    6:00 Vespers
    Fast: wine & oil
  • 16


    3 March
    10:00 Divine Liturgy
    Fast: wine & oil
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    9 March
    6:00 Vespers
    Fast: wine & oil
  • 23


    10 March
    10:00 Divine Liturgy
    Fast: wine & oil
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    16 March
    6:00 Vespers
    Fast: wine & oil
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    17 March
    10:00 Divine Liturgy
    Fast: wine & oil
  • 5


    23 March
    6:00 Vespers
    Fast: wine & oil
  • 6


    24 March
    10:00 Divine Liturgy
    Fast: wine & oil
  • 12


    30 March
    6:00 Vespers
    Fast: wine & oil
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    31 March
    PALM SUNDAY / Цвети
    10:00 Divine Liturgy
    Fast: fish, wine, & oil
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    6 April
    6:00 Vespers
    Fast: wine & oil
  • 20


    7 April
    PASCHA / Васкрс
    10:00 Divine Liturgy
    Fast free
Photo Gallery

St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church
Црква Св. Арханђела Михаила у Акрону

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